Mark Twain once said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” That is where we are today. Western societies and the world at large is growing increasingly divided. These fractures trace philosophical, ideological, religious, cultural, color, and political lines. The root cause of this tension is a misunderstanding of what it means to be a human person. We think of “who” we are, but we fail to know “what” we are first. And where there is not a unity of human diversity, there can only be a disunity of it. Destruction, not flourishing. Chaos, not order. In other words, we are in trouble because we know some things for sure that just are not so, and it is causing our polarization, disordering, disunity, and decay. Even where it does not cause unrest, it still prevents our flourishing, and that is unfortunate enough. And that is what Flume has come into existence to tend to.

Flume is a knowledge-based social enterprise and think-tank-creative. Flume does not exist to merely help remove social problems, but to cultivate clarity, redemption, and human flourishing in their place. To do that, Flume uses a unique first-principled approach to understand social issues in a clear, ordered, integrative, and humane way; and then, through that lens, develop and disseminate meaningful and creative words, ideas, and services that:

  1. Empower humanity to seek and find meaning.

  2. Help the West heal its many divisions towards the unity of diversity.

  3. Grow human capital in developing nations.

  4. Enliven a dignified understanding of human nature and human diversity in the public square.

  5. Cultivate the good, true, and beautiful in all areas of local and global culture.

In simpler terms, Flume exists for humanity.

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