Gallup’s workplace studies document staggering realities. A mere 30% of employees are said to be engaged in the work, while 51% are disengaged and 16% are actively disengaged.[1] 20% of the world’s workforce are said to experiences daily loneliness.[2] Research is also showing that anxiety or depression are rapidly increasing, especially among young working-age people.[3] When it comes to the challenges of diversity, research is showing how the varied solutions offered to help are actually causing the very tension and division they apparently aim to resolve.[4] And all of this is happening in the context of deeper cultural progression toward disunity, tension, meaninglessness, and boredom.[5] Something has to change. And we are here to help.

Flume is excited to collaborate with our sister company, Flourish: Center for Cultivating Human Potential, who has been providing the highest quality of mental health counseling in Jackson County, Michigan since 2014. Blending our more integrative and philosophical approach with the therapeutic and psychological touches of Flourish, we offer a two unique trainings that can help you and your team find greater wellness and productivity.


Certified to provide the meaningful and fun approach to personality testing, True Colors is a proprietary system that distills complex temperament theory into practical tools and actionable programs. Specifically, it uses colors to differentiate the four central primary personality types, which lay the foundation for an enjoyable and insightful personality-identification system. True Colors provides individuals with personal and professional development skills and drives organizational excellence through higher engagement, improved communication, and teamwork. To learn more about this program, visit their website here, then contact us for pricing details.


Created by people with a strong background in both the humanities and mental health counseling, Flume is uniquely positioned to help you navigate the world of mental health, self-care, and the deeper felt needs people humans have in their lives as whole people. Knowing these matters can help you better meet your team’s needs in the form of services, as well as, help you to foster an environment that stacks and blends your team’s natural ability to support others in ways that are humane and yet mindful of personal and professional boundaries.

If you would like to inquire about either of these trainings, including how we can integrate them with our Human Experience Sessions or our Strengths-based Disruption consultings services, please contact us.


[1] Gallup, 2017 State of the American Workplace here.

[2] Gallup, 2024 State of the Global Workplace here.

[3] there Atlantic, The Best Therapy for Our Anxiety Epidemic by Arthur C. Brooks, here.

[4] DEI is not working via Time Magazine here, and the New York Times here.

[5] City Journal, The Endarkment: We’ve entered an age of delusion, impossible longings, and ritual self-mutilation, here.