Every organization and company has values. Far from being exclusive, here are some of our most essential values.


Seen fundamentally in our ability to use reason, all humans are equally human. This ability to think critically must be respected, affirmed, and encouraged, as it is where our foundational value and dignity is revealed.


All humans are equally human and then, in that context, come in a range of wonderfully diverse forms. Understood in this order, our diverse talents and abilities can be appreciated and drawn together towards our common good.


All people have the right to be treated with dignity as essentially equal beings. And just like the flip side of the same coin, every person also has the responsibility to treat others in the exact same way. Affirming human equality, therefore, allows us to also affirm the natural relationship between human rights and human responsibilities.


The human mind longs for clarity like a fish does water; and nothing is more freeing or empowering than finding it. Clarity does not just come about by chance, however, it is the byproduct of seeking truth above all else. Upon understanding the meaning behind and within the human experience we grow to have true knowledge. As we grow in knowledge we gain discernment, insight, and the ability to create otherwise unimaginable realities.


Upon grasping the essential meaning of things we as people can grow to have true knowledge. As we grow in knowledge we gain discernment, insight, wisdom, and the ability to create otherwise unimaginable realities. This is the cultivation of the best kind of life—a meaningful one.


All beliefs are either true or false. No belief is neutral. By discerning the more basic essence of realities, meaning from meaninglessness, we can further progress to discern true from false. Then marrying ourselves to truth, working that relationship out in spaces time, and loves, we also find freedom is not a static concept but a growing reality. Seeking and finding what is truly true, in the world of reality and the world of ideas, we find freedom all the more, and it is always worth it.


As the capstone and reward of seeking and finding the true and the good, beauty and our need for it is hardwired into the human experience. We seek and enjoy it intuitively, and intentionally cultivating it even further is a large part of our calling as human persons. Beauty is simple in how it describes the very tone of voice our world is created through, and it is also complex in how it includes all the finer parts embodies.


 When it comes to life's hardest experiences we cannot go back in time and avoid them. We cannot "re-do" them. As often as we may wish otherwise, they happened. Our options moving ahead, therefore, are simply to"move on" or redeem them. We choose the latter. We seek to cultivate recovery from addiction and illness, restoration of broken relationships, and the reformation of self-destructive behaviors. That is, we aim to bring so much good out of the bad that it blows your mind and everyone who is watching.


Like beauty, culture is both simple and complex. It is that which is so basic we are simply brought up into any given culture and subculture and we don’t even notice. It is like the air we breathe. It also manifest the accumulative nature of our worldviews as they have integrated with our generational stories and geographical realities throughout decades, centuries, and millennia of particular manifestations of the human experience.


No one likes fake relationships. And no one likes being taken advantage of in relationships that lack boundaries either. Our aim, therefore, is to grow professional and meaningful relationships with those we serve–intentionally and organically. In time, therefore, we also aim to build a vibrant community of people helping people be the best possible version of themselves. In truth. In love. And in authentic, judgment-free, service.


An application of the examined life we are to strive to have consistency between what we believe, what we say, and what we do, which are the necessary prerequisite to having unity in our selves and with others.


Humans only work for something if they have hope it will actually bring forth the results or rewards they desire. Much of the work we do, therefore, is simply to grow hope. Hope that good can overcome evil. Hope that cruelty and neglect can be redeemed. And hope that trauma can be overcome. There is great hope, true hope, and we want everyone we serve to be enlivened by it.


The human capacity to imagine and create is limitless. To understand this and put it towards thoughtful goals lays our greatest hope to achieve our highest good and most beautiful good. Further, everyone is beautifully different and has diverse capacities and abilities to be creative in different ways. For these reasons we are always exploring amongst ourselves and with those we serve to derive fresh, innovative, and person-centered solutions that bring out the best in all of us.


As a natural extension of free people in a free society the free markets of ideas and commerce are to be cherished and protected. Manifestations of selfishness and evil in the free market illustrate a human problem not a market problem.


Humans are called to be good stewards of all they are responsible for. Thus, the earth and all that is in it, including our relationships with each other, ought to be respected, cherished, and cared for as we grow in knowledge of all that it reveals.


Humans do not need to just be told what to do. We do not just need a laundry list of rules and guidelines to follow blindly. What we do need, however, is understanding, inspiration, and enlivenment to love ourselves and others as dignified, equally valuable, and uniquely equipped human persons. 


As creatures with the capacity to be rational and virtuous humans are responsible to thrive towards their highest potential. This includes striving with true hope through the personal, local, and global challenges we are faced with today.


Human liberty is defined by the ability to freely choose without restraints. We are not free to do whatever we want, however. Instead we are responsible to be good stewards of our freedom by pursuing truth and adapting our lives to its light.


The macro includes the micro. To see flourishing on any social-wide scale inherently means to see (and the reward of seeing) the flourishing of the many individuals and smaller communities that which make up the broader hole. This is the flourishing of the unity of human diversity.


You are the expert of your own life. No one can fully understand what you have seen and experienced in your life in the way you do. Pain hurts. Suffering confuses. And frustration engulfs. In tune to these realities, therefore, our position is to empathize with you in your challenges and support you in your dreams as you move to grow through your unique challenges toward a more vibrant and meaningful life.


Listed last only because it includes everything before it. What is good for something is based on its nature. What is good for human is based on human nature. Because humans are thinkers, thinking and reaching knowledge is the essence of what is good for us as it embeds itself in all other goods. To know. To be known. Knowledge of the transcendent, the highest reality, therefore, is the highest good for humanity, and it is what we must seek for its own sake.