Every company or organization, whether explicitly or implicitly, operates with a worldview from which their particular vision and mission derive, from which their identity is formed and their imagination is given limitation and possibility to become exceedingly more than seems possible. To grow from being a seed to a tree to an orchard. In the same way, surrendering to the possibility of such a calling, it is out of the totality of our worldview that our moral imagination is given life and our vision and mission is derived.
Flume sees an increasingly dignified world brimming with knowledge, hope, freedom, creativity, and beauty; and a flourishing human race with the insight, capacity, and character to sustain and enjoy it forever.
Today's biggest challenges are not cultural decay, political corruption, crashed economies, global poverty, racism, or human trafficking. While these realities are disheartening and disastrous they remain mere symptoms of deeper rooted problems. Whereby, to resolve the social, cultural, and global challenges of our day (while also preventing them from popping up somewhere else) we must attended to their roots.
Seeing the magnitude of this task many say the future of humanity is dire. We say, however, that can be true only if people choose to believe it. In contrast, the degree to which we seek truth, affirm our human dignity, develop our unique talents, maximize our creativity, and empower others to do the same is the degree to which there is extraordinary hope. And Flume is being developed to ensure that hope is realized.
Flume works to help the West and the broader world navigate the many challenges it is experiencing, and not merely away from those challenges but instead, toward redemption and flourishing. Cultivated in and through a creative mode of being, Flume is more specifically coming into existence to:
Advocate for a highly positive, dignified, and holistic view of the human person.
Establish a healthy, humane, and ontologically coherent view of human diversity.
Cultivate clarity and like-mindedness in how we interpret human nature, human flourishing, and the nature of the good, true, and beautiful.
Cultivate the dignified human element into and through human institutions worldwide.
Cultivate excellence, and the highest forms of knowledge, wisdom, beauty, creativity, and exceptionalism in personal lives and both the public and private sectors.
Foster humane discourse in the public square that both honors human variation and seeks truth above all else.
Foster the natural fusing of the many false dichotomies presently fracturing Western civilization and the broader world.
Foster organic bottoms-up solutions and responses to personal, social, and global challenges.
Foster healing, redemption, and flourishing for individuals, families, and society.
Foster in leadership the capacity to connect the humane qualitative, quantitative, and communicative components into their identity and services.
Counter the narratives of narcissism and nihilism with a vision of clarity, meaning, truth, optimism, and hope.
In all, Flume’s mission is to help inspire a vibrant and humane culture that embodies and enlivens concepts that are far too often at odds with each other: meaning and wonder, justice and mercy, unity and diversity, peace and flourishing, in local and international contexts.